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Glove sizes

A glove is not an everyday purchase. It is therefore logical that you do not know exactly what size you need. In this article you will read how to measure the size of your hand and what size glove fits.

Measuring the hand circumference

You can easily measure the size of your hand with a tape measure. Then you can read in the table what size glove you need.

  1. Place a tape measure over your knuckles;
  2. Then twist the tape further around your hand;
  3. Read the circumference on the tape measure;
  4. Check the table to see what size glove fits the circumference of your hand;
  5. Choose a pair of lovely warm gloves in our shop.
Woman Size CM
XS 4.5 15.5 
  5 16
S 5.5 16.5
  6 17
M 6.5  18
  7 19
L 7.5 20.5
  8 22
XL 8.5  23
  9 24
Men Size CM
XS 6 16.5
S 7 19
  7.5 20.5
M 8 22
  8.5 23
L 9 24
  9.5 26
XL 10 27
XXL 11 29
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